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Writer's pictureYIN Team


Updated: May 10, 2022

Our YIN Philippines member DMCI participated this Thursday, in the annual Safety Sensitization Day of our partner LP4Y. 333 Youth joining from Lebanon, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and The Philippines, could benefit from insightful explanations about the importance of Safety and practical tips for guideline implementation.

After defining the concepts related to Safety, Mr Zoleta, in charge of the Corporate Safety at DMCI, exposed examples related to the construction industry and the numerous internal guidelines implemented in order to ensure the total Safety of DMCI collaborators, for specific risks and global issues like Covid. Based on these explanations, Mr Zoleta shared the procedure to adapt to every center/country context, in order to prevent local hazards and develop adapted preventive solutions for an extended control of issues.

Through this experience sharing, details about the companies’ policies, procedures and implementation steps, the Youth understood the necessity to deal with Safety as a top priority and the consideration that everyone as a role to play:

"We play a very important role in our societies, either you in control or you just an influence to other people on how to value safety. We all have our responsibilities but we believe that everyone has a duty of care. If you know something useful share it to save people lives. If you are still exploring and still learning, listening to a verified sources is significant and must not be forgotten. If you value safety, safety should be at the beginning as it is best when you apply it at first. In every situation, you have to be ready."

Convinced that everyone can act and that accidents are preventable if we develop the right behaviour, the Youth discussed then local issues and guideline development based on Mr Zoleta's words and described efficient Safety strategy:

1. Sensitize about the importance of safety: safety first at any moment

2. Establish policies and procedures

3. Identify hazards

4. Do a risk assessment

5. Apply the hierarchy of control

6. Continual improvement

We would like to thank Mr Zoleta and DMCI for this inspiring testimony, through which the Youth will review and improve the developed approach to reduce risks at local level and this way, even better anticipate the immediate actions that must be implemented to limit accident consequences.

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