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YIN GLOBAL – TESTIMONY BY EESI - Gerlie Eula Mile: from LP4Y to EESI

Writer's picture: YIN TeamYIN Team

Updated: May 10, 2022

On June 18th, Gerlie Eula Mile currently working at EESI (YIN Philippines) delivered an impactful digital testimony to 155 Youth who joined from Lebanon, Nepal, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and The Philippines, part of LP4Y, Bahay Tuluyan, Children of the Mekong and SOS Children’s Village.

Gerlie started her testimony by sharing her story, school-droping reasons, her incentives to join LP4Y where she learned different professional skills. After the LP4Y experience, she started looking for a job. Gerlie explained that task was not easy and she had to face several rejections. However, thank to her talents, EESI detected her potential during a mock interview session organized by the YIN and Gerlie started handling administrative tasks. Gerlie then shared her journey inside the company, how she evolved, joined the recruitment team and keep learning every day, thank to her manager, team, and all the new situations encountered in her daily working life. She could also testify about her tasks, duties, responsibilities and working life as part of the recruitment team at EESI.

Learn more about Gerlie story here

The testimony of Gerlie was an incredible inspirational source and possibility for the Youth to meet one of their role models, someone who encountered the same difficulties and found her way in the professional world. Specifying that she used to be extremely shy and that she could not speak English when joining LP4Y, Gerlie impressed by her high level of confidence, English level, maturity and public speaking skills.

Gerlie also delivered meaningful advice and best practices, giving also her professional opinion regarding many topics among which: job search, interview, motivation and confidence building, tips to progress in English and how to improve skills in everyday life to reach our objectives. As part of them, she remembered the Youth that they have to believe in themselves and capabilities because they already have the potential. This is working hard, keeping learning to develop this potential, taking opportunities, stepping out of comfort zone, that they will succeed and reach their objectives. The pathway won’t be easy, failure will meet their journey. However, failure is part of daily life and does not mean that this is the end of the adventure, it only means challenges to overcome and a moment to remember objectives and why it is important keep trying: This one was not the right opportunity but the good one is maybe closer than expected.

This testimony represents also a great reminder for the companies about the potential, impressive progression rate and dedication ,commitment of the Youth. Interacting with them through professional activities can make you find talents and future new comers who will definitely impress you and bring to your organisation so much more than what you could expect.


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