Decathlon Philippines has been part of the first YIN members on the overall network and since, trained Youth, recruited, offered tons of opportunities to support them in getting the life they deserve. Indeed, for Decathlon, Youth inclusion is not a "side activity" but a "key social stake" totally integrated into their project and organisation.
During this first semester 2022, Decathlon has been providing multiple opportunities to the Youth. Indeed, Decathlon Philippines is convinced that sport is a " lever of action for equal opportunities".
On LP4Y side, Decathlon Philippines has been particularly committed to LP4Y Payatas since the purpose of their program is to develop advocacy to the community through Sports. Decathlon Philippines for instance delivered a Zumba training to 10 Youth in March as well as a tennis table training to 22 Youth in June. Those were important training for the Youth since they can now share their knowledge to the community by delivering trainings, what is part of their pathway to develop professional skills.
Decathlon Philippines is not only committed to LP4Y. They already offered multiple opportunities to Fairplay for All Foundation, Voice of the Free, Project Pearls, Tondo Community Initiatives Spike and Serve Philippines Inc. ATD Fourth World Philippines, who had for instance, the opportunity to attend the Decathlon Foundation Day (June 9th) in which all Manila's stores were involved
From Decathlon's Facebook publication: "We invited the youth from our partnered beneficiaries to visit our stores and play sports together with our teammates! It was a day of fun and games where our teammates shared their passion of sports to the youth. This is our mission at Decathlon: to sustainably make the pleasure and benefits of sport accessible to the many."
More than providing opportunities, Decathlon Philippines is also sharing best practices, among our international webinars but also to other companies of the network to help other give more opportunities to the Youth. Best tips of Decathlon are available to our members through the different minutes of meeting displayed in the member's space, like the "funneling process". You can also find insights among this blog.